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SmartBridge presents your users a CAC/PIV interface for log-in on the front side, while integrating with your system's identity management system through OAuth events to the web browser and back-end APIs that present the details of CAC/PIV logins.

Your developers need little time to integrate CAC/PIV requirements that will qualify your system to be used by the DoD and Federal government.

SmartBridge is available both as a standalone product and Software-as-a-Service. We offer a 60-day free trial of the SaaS product so that systems can test integration with SmartBridge to confirm it will meet their needs. For systems that are certified for Information Level 2 (IL 2), the SmartBridge SaaS product is all you need. But systems that deploy to IL 4 and higher will deploy the standalone SmartBridge product inside their system boundary.

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